Last week the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce closed its doors for one day for our bi-annual all staff retreat. This was our time to come togethor and decide to what heights we are going to take the organization to this coming year.
After eight hours of listening, learning, engaging, sharing, crying...ok maybe not crying but we put in some serious sweat equity into this years goals and objectives. And let me tell you our sights are high.
This year, the Chamber decided to use a sustainability model and split our objectives into three areas; Economic, Social and Enivornmental.
Like any great project, before embarking on constructing the Chamber's goals, we needed to read the instructions. This came in the form of a great presentation by Steelcase's John Malnor about Design Thinking. The presentation was so inspiring we changed up the plan and based all of our goals on the "what if's".
What if Chamber membership was free?
What if the Chamber had 0 Carbon emissions?
What if all Chamber events were free?
What if we ...
The list is endless
After a short lunch break and put-put tournament to get our juices flowing again we were back in the saddle.
The staff was split into four groups in which we came up with ideas/goals/suggestions for each category.
Each group was to come up with the top two ideas to post under the topic and viola! Our objectives for 2010-2011 had began to form.
As I type now the Chamber's Leadership team is locked away in the conference room fine tuning the ideas and turning them in to a living breathing map that will direct the course of the S.S. Chamber for the next six months. Once completed, stamped and approved you shall have full access to what we came up with...get ready!
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Thursday, August 26, 2010
Navigating the Single Stream Running Through GR!
You've seen the billboards, the commercials, the propaganda supporting the Single Stream Recycling effort kicked off in Grand Rapids on July 20.
But what is it?
Single stream recycling refers to a system in which all paper, cardboard, glass, metal and plastic that are currently separated into different recycle bins are now placed all together in one recycling cart. It is still important to follow the same preparation guidelines for recycling preparation except you just put all your recycling in one container.
Why bother?
Single stream recycling makes recycling easier for residents. No sorting of accepted recycling materials, all recycables go into one cart. It is more efficient for employees. This program will use recycling carts in place of the recycling bins or tubs residents currently use. The carts will be emptied using semi-automated equipment. Residents will choose the recycling cart size that best fits their needs. Recycling cart sizes available are: 35 gallon, 64 gallon or 96 gallon recycling cart. The carts are the same sizes that are offered with the refuse cart program. Each cart is made with 40% recycled plastic and will have a bright yellow lid.
*Info taken from The City of Grand Rapids
To read more about this great cause sweeping through the streets and doorsteps of Grand Rapids check out the City of Grand Rapids website.
Thursday, August 19, 2010
Fun for the whole family!
Summer is winding down (I know, I know, but we all knew it was coming) but the event scene in Grand Rapids is not! There are two fabulous events for you to attend that will support and educate the West Michigan communitiy.
"Future Cities: Climate Strategies for Sustainable Communities"
Concerned about climate change and how it will impact Michigan?
The economic and environmental health of Michigan and communities across the Midwest are threatened by climate disruption. According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, many communities have some climate mitigation policies but more must be done. Future Cities: Climate Strategies for Sustainable Communities, presented by GreenTown: The Future of Community, will host mayors from across Michigan to identify and implement the needed steps to mitigate climate disruption and the rising threat to Michigan's economy.
To read more click here.
2nd Annual Grand Harvest Festival
Come join us for the 2nd Annual Grand Harvest Festival on Saturday August 28th 11-4. The festival is to support Feeding America West MI. Bring in YOUR locally grown produce NOW through August 28th for a chance to WIN our grand prize of $500 in gardening gear! Large or small every donation counts to help feed the hungry.
The festival features music by Serita’s Black Rose, Me 3 Mind and more. You can enjoy local food, environmental groups, craft and other fun vendors. We will have games and prizes (great freebies from our generous suppliers). Come down to enjoy Food, Music, Games, and great giveaways all to support our local food bank Feeding America West MI
To read more click here.
Do you have an event you want buzzed about?
Contact Abby at The Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
"Future Cities: Climate Strategies for Sustainable Communities"
Concerned about climate change and how it will impact Michigan?
The economic and environmental health of Michigan and communities across the Midwest are threatened by climate disruption. According to the U.S. Conference of Mayors, many communities have some climate mitigation policies but more must be done. Future Cities: Climate Strategies for Sustainable Communities, presented by GreenTown: The Future of Community, will host mayors from across Michigan to identify and implement the needed steps to mitigate climate disruption and the rising threat to Michigan's economy.
To read more click here.
2nd Annual Grand Harvest Festival
Come join us for the 2nd Annual Grand Harvest Festival on Saturday August 28th 11-4. The festival is to support Feeding America West MI. Bring in YOUR locally grown produce NOW through August 28th for a chance to WIN our grand prize of $500 in gardening gear! Large or small every donation counts to help feed the hungry.
The festival features music by Serita’s Black Rose, Me 3 Mind and more. You can enjoy local food, environmental groups, craft and other fun vendors. We will have games and prizes (great freebies from our generous suppliers). Come down to enjoy Food, Music, Games, and great giveaways all to support our local food bank Feeding America West MI
To read more click here.
Do you have an event you want buzzed about?
Contact Abby at The Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce
Local Events
Friday, August 13, 2010
It's a wash
Nothing annoys me more than when I am on the internet and I have to fight off a million pop-up windows containing “hidden diet secrets revealed!” or “lose 10lbs in 1 hour guaranteed!”, ok so maybe I bluffed a bit with that last one. My point is all of these are radical claims and we (most of us) know they are not true.
The same rules apply for the green product industry. As consumers we need to make smart conscious decisions and research what we are buying. Just because something has a green label does not mean that it is environmentally friendly.
Greenwashing was defined at the MiBiz Review forum as
“giving consumers and policy makers the impression that the company/organization is taking the necessary steps to manage its ecological footprint. Evidenced by a company spending more time and money on claiming to be “green” through advertising and marketing than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact.”
Need some examples of greenwashing?
1. An energy company that promotes its efforts to develop “green” technology, when in reality it represents a minute portion of its overall business.
2. Hotel chains that refer to itself as “green” merely because guests may reuse sheets and towels during their stay, yet does nothing to reduce water and energy usage.
3. A bank may advertise “green banking” because you can access your account on-line.
If you are concerned about greenwashing, Greenwashing Index gives criteria for determining if a product or service you are using is faux green.
1. The ad misleads with words
2. The ad misleads with visuals or graphics
3. The ad makes a green claim that is vague or seemingly improvable
4. The ad overstates or exaggerates how green the product/company/service actually is
5. The ad leaves out or masks important information, making the green claim sound better than it really is
If you are concerned that a product or service you are using or producing might violate the laws of greenwashing check out these resources from Warner Norcross & Judd. I had the opportunity to sit at a roundtable discussion with Janet Ramsey who specializes in the legal side of Green Marketing and she passed on these awesome resources.
1. "Greening Your Products" by Environmental Protection Agency
2. "Green Certification and Ecolabeling" by U.S. Government
3. "Guides for Use of Environmental Marketing Claims" by Federal Trade Commission
4. "How to Comply with Environmental Marketing Guidelines" by Federal Trade Commission
5. "Green Marketing" by United States Government
6. "Greener Choices" by Consumer Reports
7. "Sins of Greenwashing" by TerraChoice
The same rules apply for the green product industry. As consumers we need to make smart conscious decisions and research what we are buying. Just because something has a green label does not mean that it is environmentally friendly.
Greenwashing was defined at the MiBiz Review forum as
“giving consumers and policy makers the impression that the company/organization is taking the necessary steps to manage its ecological footprint. Evidenced by a company spending more time and money on claiming to be “green” through advertising and marketing than actually implementing business practices that minimize environmental impact.”
Need some examples of greenwashing?
1. An energy company that promotes its efforts to develop “green” technology, when in reality it represents a minute portion of its overall business.
2. Hotel chains that refer to itself as “green” merely because guests may reuse sheets and towels during their stay, yet does nothing to reduce water and energy usage.
3. A bank may advertise “green banking” because you can access your account on-line.
If you are concerned about greenwashing, Greenwashing Index gives criteria for determining if a product or service you are using is faux green.
1. The ad misleads with words
2. The ad misleads with visuals or graphics
3. The ad makes a green claim that is vague or seemingly improvable
4. The ad overstates or exaggerates how green the product/company/service actually is
5. The ad leaves out or masks important information, making the green claim sound better than it really is
If you are concerned that a product or service you are using or producing might violate the laws of greenwashing check out these resources from Warner Norcross & Judd. I had the opportunity to sit at a roundtable discussion with Janet Ramsey who specializes in the legal side of Green Marketing and she passed on these awesome resources.
1. "Greening Your Products" by Environmental Protection Agency
2. "Green Certification and Ecolabeling" by U.S. Government
3. "Guides for Use of Environmental Marketing Claims" by Federal Trade Commission
4. "How to Comply with Environmental Marketing Guidelines" by Federal Trade Commission
5. "Green Marketing" by United States Government
6. "Greener Choices" by Consumer Reports
7. "Sins of Greenwashing" by TerraChoice
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Jailhouse Blues...or Green?
Grand Rapids has the most LEED certified buildings per capita than anywhere else in the U.S., true. When we think of those buildings we think hotels, restaurants, offices but what about the jail?
In early May of 2010 construction began to install a geothermal heating and cooling system in the Kent County Correctional Facility Fuller complex. The facility is the second county building to use this alternative energy source the first being the 63rd District Courthouse.
So how does geothermal heating and cooling work? It is all about transferring heat, even cold air contains heat! "The whole process is simply transferring heat from one place to another," said Don Steeby, an associate professor of heating and refrigeration at Grand Rapids Community College. "It is the most sustainable alternative energy available. The heat is always there, regardless if the sun isn't out and the wind isn't blowing."
This new construction is said to provide a less than 10-year payback!
Other locations in Grand Rapids are being looked at (including the zoo) but lack the proper funding to execute.
To read more information on the geothermal facility visit: Mlive
Thank you to Mlive and Consumer Energy for the information!
In early May of 2010 construction began to install a geothermal heating and cooling system in the Kent County Correctional Facility Fuller complex. The facility is the second county building to use this alternative energy source the first being the 63rd District Courthouse.
So how does geothermal heating and cooling work? It is all about transferring heat, even cold air contains heat! "The whole process is simply transferring heat from one place to another," said Don Steeby, an associate professor of heating and refrigeration at Grand Rapids Community College. "It is the most sustainable alternative energy available. The heat is always there, regardless if the sun isn't out and the wind isn't blowing."
This new construction is said to provide a less than 10-year payback!
Other locations in Grand Rapids are being looked at (including the zoo) but lack the proper funding to execute.
To read more information on the geothermal facility visit: Mlive
Thank you to Mlive and Consumer Energy for the information!
Geothermal energy
Friday, July 23, 2010
Little things that make a difference
A lovely co-worker of mine spotted this on yesterday and since I know that everyone is trying to save a little change these days I thought I would pass it on.
If there is one thing I have learned while working on reducing the Chamber's Carbon Footprint is that little things do make a difference. For example, The GRACC Paper Challenge 3 sheets a day may not sound like much but times it by 30 people in the office (that 3 sheet turns into 90 a day and then 450 pieces in a week).
If you have any other tips/suggestions please feel free to share!
Enjoy these quick tips and have a GREAT weekend!
For the full article click here
• Unplug — Be sure to unplug any devices you and your workers are not using. This tip can save you money in the long run. In fact, battery chargers for our everyday business tools, such as smart phones, laptops and PDAs, still consume energy when plugged in.
• Shut down — Once you’ve agreed to unplug, it’s also time to shut down. According to the Energy Awareness Campaign, there are about 104 million office computers in the country, and approximately 31 million are left on at night, not in use. This results in the release of approximately 15 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, totaling a staggering $1.7 billion spent on energy that has been wasted.
(Don't get as excited as I did when I read the first bullet point)
• Sleep — When you and your employees have stepped away from the computer, be sure to have the sleep feature turned on. This will result in your PC using less energy. The good news is that, with newer operating systems, sleep can be turned on by default, allowing your PC to go to sleep automatically.
• Stop using screen savers — Use an alternative feature like display blanking, which is a solid black screen, instead. This not only saves on overall energy costs for the company, but it also can extend the life of the monitor, avoiding additional repair costs down the road.
• Power up — Take advantage of the existing power-management tools in your PC’s control panel to select energy-reducing settings, such as sleep and battery options. If you and nine of your employees implement these settings, the energy savings is the equivalent to taking one car off the road.
If there is one thing I have learned while working on reducing the Chamber's Carbon Footprint is that little things do make a difference. For example, The GRACC Paper Challenge 3 sheets a day may not sound like much but times it by 30 people in the office (that 3 sheet turns into 90 a day and then 450 pieces in a week).
If you have any other tips/suggestions please feel free to share!
Enjoy these quick tips and have a GREAT weekend!
For the full article click here
• Unplug — Be sure to unplug any devices you and your workers are not using. This tip can save you money in the long run. In fact, battery chargers for our everyday business tools, such as smart phones, laptops and PDAs, still consume energy when plugged in.
• Shut down — Once you’ve agreed to unplug, it’s also time to shut down. According to the Energy Awareness Campaign, there are about 104 million office computers in the country, and approximately 31 million are left on at night, not in use. This results in the release of approximately 15 million tons of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere each year, totaling a staggering $1.7 billion spent on energy that has been wasted.
(Don't get as excited as I did when I read the first bullet point)
• Sleep — When you and your employees have stepped away from the computer, be sure to have the sleep feature turned on. This will result in your PC using less energy. The good news is that, with newer operating systems, sleep can be turned on by default, allowing your PC to go to sleep automatically.
• Stop using screen savers — Use an alternative feature like display blanking, which is a solid black screen, instead. This not only saves on overall energy costs for the company, but it also can extend the life of the monitor, avoiding additional repair costs down the road.
• Power up — Take advantage of the existing power-management tools in your PC’s control panel to select energy-reducing settings, such as sleep and battery options. If you and nine of your employees implement these settings, the energy savings is the equivalent to taking one car off the road.
Thursday, July 22, 2010
The Chamber...a well made piece of furniture
Recently, I have been tasked with creating a comprehensive and measurable sustainability plan for the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce. At first, the task seemed rather daunting and intimidating because the concept of sustainability is so complex…how can it fit into one single plan? I realized it needed to be broken down. Sustainability (as we often forget) is really a three legged stool…right?
My problem is that when I think of sustainability my brain automatically thinks GREEN. But that is not the whole picture. Sustainability is three parts; Economic, Social, and Environmental.
Too many times the two other legs of the stool are overlooked (the economic and social).
Before I embark on writing the Chambers sustainability plan I thought I would give you a sneak peak outline of where I think the Chamber’s goals will fit into these three categories.
The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to being the leading business membership organization in West Michigan by providing outstanding membership, advocacy, diversity and community programming that promotes inclusion, prosperity and growth.
The Chamber works to attract and retain members by providing top notch customer service and fostering the growth of our local and regional businesses. We hope to grow our Chamber by providing benefits to our members such as business networking opportunities, facilitating events that will foster business growth, vendor discounts and marketing our Chamber opportunities to actively engage the community.
Social Responsibility
Through collaboration, volunteering, professional development the chamber will become great stewards of the community. The Chamber encourages staff members to attend events from other local organizations, engage in Chamber networking events, and actively contribute to their professional development. The Chamber will maximize the power of cultural competency to drive
superior business results and competitive advantage. We believe in utilizing the awareness, knowledge and understanding of all people as an asset for our region. It implies an ability to work within and among diverse citizens, embracing talents, experiences, and perspectives from various cultures.
The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce has dedicated its resources to implement the Partnership for a Sustainable Community (PSC). The Partnership includes but is not limited to the Carbon Footprint Calculator, sustainability resource blog, sustainability member resource guide, and PSC meetings. Along with the Partnership, the Chamber has made efforts to implement sustainable practices into our day-to-day operations. The Chamber completed the Carbon Footprint and is now working to reduce their Carbon footprint by reducing paper usage, switching to 30% recycled content, using compact florescent lighting, etc. The Chamber is continuing to find ways to reduce reuse and recycle.
In conclusion, this is not all of efforts but it’s a start. How is your company implanting all three areas of sustainability? SHARE
And remember sustainability is a three legged stool…imagine how hard it would be to balance with just one? You’d fall over!
My problem is that when I think of sustainability my brain automatically thinks GREEN. But that is not the whole picture. Sustainability is three parts; Economic, Social, and Environmental.
Too many times the two other legs of the stool are overlooked (the economic and social).
Before I embark on writing the Chambers sustainability plan I thought I would give you a sneak peak outline of where I think the Chamber’s goals will fit into these three categories.
The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce is committed to being the leading business membership organization in West Michigan by providing outstanding membership, advocacy, diversity and community programming that promotes inclusion, prosperity and growth.
The Chamber works to attract and retain members by providing top notch customer service and fostering the growth of our local and regional businesses. We hope to grow our Chamber by providing benefits to our members such as business networking opportunities, facilitating events that will foster business growth, vendor discounts and marketing our Chamber opportunities to actively engage the community.
Social Responsibility
Through collaboration, volunteering, professional development the chamber will become great stewards of the community. The Chamber encourages staff members to attend events from other local organizations, engage in Chamber networking events, and actively contribute to their professional development. The Chamber will maximize the power of cultural competency to drive
superior business results and competitive advantage. We believe in utilizing the awareness, knowledge and understanding of all people as an asset for our region. It implies an ability to work within and among diverse citizens, embracing talents, experiences, and perspectives from various cultures.
The Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce has dedicated its resources to implement the Partnership for a Sustainable Community (PSC). The Partnership includes but is not limited to the Carbon Footprint Calculator, sustainability resource blog, sustainability member resource guide, and PSC meetings. Along with the Partnership, the Chamber has made efforts to implement sustainable practices into our day-to-day operations. The Chamber completed the Carbon Footprint and is now working to reduce their Carbon footprint by reducing paper usage, switching to 30% recycled content, using compact florescent lighting, etc. The Chamber is continuing to find ways to reduce reuse and recycle.
In conclusion, this is not all of efforts but it’s a start. How is your company implanting all three areas of sustainability? SHARE
And remember sustainability is a three legged stool…imagine how hard it would be to balance with just one? You’d fall over!
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Grand Rapids Chamber Paper Challenge!
This month I climbed the Mount Everest of sustainability (okay maybe not that dramatic) but I did finish the Carbon Footprint Calculator for the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce.
Once the calculator was completed I started looking for ways that the Chamber could reduce their Carbon Footprint which I quickly discovered wasn't as easy as I thought. The Chamber rents a space in The Waters Building and in order to get an idea of how much the Chamber uses in utilities I had to take The Waters Building utility usage as a whole and deduct the percentage that the chamber uses.
I wanted my first effort at reducing the footprint to something tangible that I could track. My first idea was paper. As of right now the Chamber uses 270,000 sheets of 100% Virgin Paper (no recycled content in our paper) per year. A switch from our current paper to one with a 30% recycled content would reduce our CO2 emissions from 1.4 metric tons/year to .5 metric tons/year.
There is more to the story...
The switch to paper with a recycled content would increase our paper cost by $270/year. In order to offset the cost of the switch we came up with a challenge for our staff here at the Grand Rapids Chamber.
The 3 Sheet Challenge!
The chamber currently uses 270,000 sheets of virgin paper per year. That is 24 sheets per person per day.
1 Tree = roughly 8,333.3 sheets of paper aka the Chamber uses about 32 trees per year for paper!
If everyone in the chamber reduced their paper usage by 3 sheets a day it would save the chamber 33,480 sheets per year! That is a 12.4% reduction in our current paper usage and a 2% overall price savings (if we switch to 30% recycled content).
If the chamber switches to a 30% recycled content paper it would save 9.6 trees a year!
We are going to be kicking off this initiative at our next staff meeting so suggestions on how to reduce usage are appreciated.
Here are a few that I have found:
1. Have your copiers default setting be double sided
2. Have a "draft tray" so all of your drafts print on scrap paper
3. Instead of meeting handouts have them shown on a screen or sent to everyone electronically
4. Actually use the editing tools on word <--that one was for me
5. Double think about what you are printing
Now what?
Friday, July 9 I stopped at Paper Central on 36th st to talk about recycled paper. I spoke with John who assured me that printing on recycled content paper is no different than using virgin paper. He also said many companies are apprehensive to use recycled paper because of the increase cost.
Here is my challenge to you, take it upon yourself and your company to make the switch but offset the cost by reducing the amount you use. As I wrote in my previous post, recycling is great but you also need to reduce and reuse.
How have you used the Carbon Footprint Calculator to reduce your Carbon emissions? Do you need access to the calculator? Email me at!
(here are some photos I snapped while at Paper Central)
Once the calculator was completed I started looking for ways that the Chamber could reduce their Carbon Footprint which I quickly discovered wasn't as easy as I thought. The Chamber rents a space in The Waters Building and in order to get an idea of how much the Chamber uses in utilities I had to take The Waters Building utility usage as a whole and deduct the percentage that the chamber uses.
I wanted my first effort at reducing the footprint to something tangible that I could track. My first idea was paper. As of right now the Chamber uses 270,000 sheets of 100% Virgin Paper (no recycled content in our paper) per year. A switch from our current paper to one with a 30% recycled content would reduce our CO2 emissions from 1.4 metric tons/year to .5 metric tons/year.
There is more to the story...
The switch to paper with a recycled content would increase our paper cost by $270/year. In order to offset the cost of the switch we came up with a challenge for our staff here at the Grand Rapids Chamber.
The 3 Sheet Challenge!
The chamber currently uses 270,000 sheets of virgin paper per year. That is 24 sheets per person per day.
1 Tree = roughly 8,333.3 sheets of paper aka the Chamber uses about 32 trees per year for paper!
If everyone in the chamber reduced their paper usage by 3 sheets a day it would save the chamber 33,480 sheets per year! That is a 12.4% reduction in our current paper usage and a 2% overall price savings (if we switch to 30% recycled content).
If the chamber switches to a 30% recycled content paper it would save 9.6 trees a year!
We are going to be kicking off this initiative at our next staff meeting so suggestions on how to reduce usage are appreciated.
Here are a few that I have found:
1. Have your copiers default setting be double sided
2. Have a "draft tray" so all of your drafts print on scrap paper
3. Instead of meeting handouts have them shown on a screen or sent to everyone electronically
4. Actually use the editing tools on word <--that one was for me
5. Double think about what you are printing
Now what?
Friday, July 9 I stopped at Paper Central on 36th st to talk about recycled paper. I spoke with John who assured me that printing on recycled content paper is no different than using virgin paper. He also said many companies are apprehensive to use recycled paper because of the increase cost.
Here is my challenge to you, take it upon yourself and your company to make the switch but offset the cost by reducing the amount you use. As I wrote in my previous post, recycling is great but you also need to reduce and reuse.
How have you used the Carbon Footprint Calculator to reduce your Carbon emissions? Do you need access to the calculator? Email me at!
(here are some photos I snapped while at Paper Central)
John said when looking for paper with a recycled content look at the label. This is HITECH30 which means it is 30% recycled content paper.
Carbon Calculator
Thursday, July 8, 2010
Green Soul Searching
It's been 3 months... I know, I apologize. In my absence though I have been gathering material about the green happenings around Grand Rapids.
I have also been thinking alot about sustainability and Grand Rapids. Last week I had the pleasure of speaking with Shelley Irwin about Grand Rapids sustainability efforts on her WGVU morning radio show. We spoke about the recent "Most Sustainable Community Award" and what it meant for Grand Rapids.
I knew this question was going to come and I gave it alot of thought and here is what I came up with.
Great but what's next?
Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that Grand Rapids won for the mid size category. My question is where do we go from here?
What more can Grand Rapids do to become sustainable? When I ask this I'm not only speaking to companies, I'm speaking to the individuals too. Are we doing enough? Is there more we can do?
While reading about Recycling a few days ago I read the phrase I'm sure we have all read a million gazillion times "Reduce Reuse Recycle".
Sure we all more than likely recycling but what about the other two R's? Are we reusing (re-filling that water bottle, using that plastic bag more than once, using the backside of that paper)? Are we even reducing (carpooling, rethink printing, using a reusable tote instead of paper or plastic)?
I think it is convenient for us to recycle and be done with it but I lay out the challenge (to both you and myself) to follow up on the other R's.
That's all the soul-searching questions I have for you today. :)
I have also been thinking alot about sustainability and Grand Rapids. Last week I had the pleasure of speaking with Shelley Irwin about Grand Rapids sustainability efforts on her WGVU morning radio show. We spoke about the recent "Most Sustainable Community Award" and what it meant for Grand Rapids.
I knew this question was going to come and I gave it alot of thought and here is what I came up with.
Great but what's next?
Don't get me wrong, I am thrilled that Grand Rapids won for the mid size category. My question is where do we go from here?
What more can Grand Rapids do to become sustainable? When I ask this I'm not only speaking to companies, I'm speaking to the individuals too. Are we doing enough? Is there more we can do?
While reading about Recycling a few days ago I read the phrase I'm sure we have all read a million gazillion times "Reduce Reuse Recycle".
Sure we all more than likely recycling but what about the other two R's? Are we reusing (re-filling that water bottle, using that plastic bag more than once, using the backside of that paper)? Are we even reducing (carpooling, rethink printing, using a reusable tote instead of paper or plastic)?
I think it is convenient for us to recycle and be done with it but I lay out the challenge (to both you and myself) to follow up on the other R's.
That's all the soul-searching questions I have for you today. :)
Friday, April 30, 2010
Go Plant a Tree - Happy Arbor Day!
On this day 138 years ago a Detroit native named J. Sterling Morton proposed a national tree planting day called “Arbor Day”. Four months later on April 10, 1872 National Arbor Day was celebrated with an estimated one million trees planted on U.S. soil. Our Country has made many advances since 1872 but we have cut down many trees in the process.
Don’t feel too bad, there is a way to make it up to Mother Earth.
The obvious apology present would be to plant another tree on Arbor Day but there are many other ways to say, “I’m Sorry”. The National Arbor Day Foundation gives many great ideas to contribute to Arbor Day.
You could…
Don’t feel too bad, there is a way to make it up to Mother Earth.
The obvious apology present would be to plant another tree on Arbor Day but there are many other ways to say, “I’m Sorry”. The National Arbor Day Foundation gives many great ideas to contribute to Arbor Day.
You could…
- Organize a beautification project in a public area
- Conduct a Tree Search - Ask people to find large, unusual or historic trees in your community. Once the results are in, publish a map that highlights the winners, or hold a walk showcasing them.
- Encourage neighborhood organizations - to hold block parties and get their members to adopt and care for street trees in front of their homes. Pass out buttons. Give away trees
- Attend a class on tree and plant care
- Volunteer with a local tree-planting organization. You’ll meet new people and make a difference in your community.
(must purchase emailable version of gift card)
APRIL 30 - MAY 30, 2010
Trees are available at Mangiamo!, Flat River Grill, The Thornapple, Red Jet Cafe and Rose's Express with your first e-card use April 30 - May 30
Go plant one! Happy Arbor Day!
Arbor Day,
The Gilmore Collection
Wednesday, April 28, 2010
LEEDing the Way: DeVos Place, Stewards of the City
Recently, The DeVos Place achieved “Steward” level Green Venue Certification from the Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth. (DELEG)
Green Venues Michigan (GVM) is a department of the DELEG that encourages entertainment venues, convention centers, and similar facilities to implement environmental initiatives and cost-saving “green” practices to conserve energy, reduce water consumption, protect air quality, reduce waste, and participate in environmentally preferred purchases.
How did they do it? By Partnering with the GVM the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce’s Partnership for a Sustainable Community they made the following sustainable changes to their building and operations.
Green Venues Michigan (GVM) is a department of the DELEG that encourages entertainment venues, convention centers, and similar facilities to implement environmental initiatives and cost-saving “green” practices to conserve energy, reduce water consumption, protect air quality, reduce waste, and participate in environmentally preferred purchases.
How did they do it? By Partnering with the GVM the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce’s Partnership for a Sustainable Community they made the following sustainable changes to their building and operations.
- Low-flow fixtures to reduce water consumption
- Purchase of paper products using at least 30 percent recycled content
- More efficient heating, cooling, and lighting management systems
- Initiated a facility wide recycling effort
Congrats on your achievement DeVos Place and thank you for contributing to a sustainable Grand Rapids!
To read more on this story check out:
@Kcorner's article on Mlive
Press Release from Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth
@Kcorner's article on Mlive
Press Release from Department of Energy, Labor & Economic Growth
LEEDing The Way,
The DeVos Place
Thursday, April 22, 2010
It's Earth Day but shhh don't tell the earth let's have it be a surprise!
Happy Earth day Sustainability Members!
While logging on to Twitter This morning I was overwhelmed by all of the Earth Day chatter and promotions circling the web. Everything from Earth Day sales to tips and tricks and even a recipe for an organic cocktail (which I plan on trying later at The B.O.B's Earth Day Weekend event). Of all the chit-chat going on this quote by comedian Jim Gaffigan made me chuckle, "It's Earth Day but shhh don't tell the earth let's have it be a surprise".
But on a serious note I really got to thinking about what I could do to celebrate Earth Day. When I woke up this morning I decided that I would pay close attention to my daily routine and try to find ways I could conserve. Here is a list of things (so far) that I have changed in my schedule to make an impact on Earth Day.
- At the gym this morning after my work out I severely cut back on the amount of paper towel I used to clean my machine
- Instead of throwing away my plastic water bottle when I got home I refilled it for tomorrow
- I turned the water off while I was brushing my teeth
- I actually timed (don't laugh) my shower
- I turned off all the lights in my house except for the room I was in
- I walked instead of drove to lunch
- I have limited the amount of paper towel I use to dry my hands
- I think before I print
I know these don't seem like big deals (and they are probably things I should have been doing anyway) but they are small changes to improve our Earth.
What have you and your business been doing to celebrate Earth Day?
While logging on to Twitter This morning I was overwhelmed by all of the Earth Day chatter and promotions circling the web. Everything from Earth Day sales to tips and tricks and even a recipe for an organic cocktail (which I plan on trying later at The B.O.B's Earth Day Weekend event). Of all the chit-chat going on this quote by comedian Jim Gaffigan made me chuckle, "It's Earth Day but shhh don't tell the earth let's have it be a surprise".
But on a serious note I really got to thinking about what I could do to celebrate Earth Day. When I woke up this morning I decided that I would pay close attention to my daily routine and try to find ways I could conserve. Here is a list of things (so far) that I have changed in my schedule to make an impact on Earth Day.
- At the gym this morning after my work out I severely cut back on the amount of paper towel I used to clean my machine
- Instead of throwing away my plastic water bottle when I got home I refilled it for tomorrow
- I turned the water off while I was brushing my teeth
- I actually timed (don't laugh) my shower
- I turned off all the lights in my house except for the room I was in
- I walked instead of drove to lunch
- I have limited the amount of paper towel I use to dry my hands
- I think before I print
I know these don't seem like big deals (and they are probably things I should have been doing anyway) but they are small changes to improve our Earth.
What have you and your business been doing to celebrate Earth Day?
Earth Day
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Stay Sustainable Grand Rapids!
Grand Rapids is rapidly establishing itself as a leader in Sustainability.
Today, Grand Rapids was recognized by the U.S. Chamber and Siemens Corporation as a top finalist for the National Siemens Sustainable Community Award in the Midsize Community Category.
Pablo Picasso once said, “Action is the foundational key to all success." The success of this community would not be possible without the tremendous efforts from Grand Rapid's schools, businesses and citizens commitment to sustainability.
The finalist were chosen based on Overarching Sustainability, Econominc Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Energy, Water, Green Buildings and Waste.
(For more information about the award, visit the Business Civic Leadership Center's Facebook, Twitter or Blog.)
The Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce was pleased to nominate the City of Grand Rapids for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Most Sustainable Community Award. We recognize and appreciate the City's continued commitment to sustainability and this is another great recognition of public/private partnerships in our community!
Great Job Grand Rapids! Keep up the great work and stay tuned. The winner will be announced at the Business Civic Leadership Center’s National Corporate Community Investment Conference May 24, 2010.
Today, Grand Rapids was recognized by the U.S. Chamber and Siemens Corporation as a top finalist for the National Siemens Sustainable Community Award in the Midsize Community Category.
Pablo Picasso once said, “Action is the foundational key to all success." The success of this community would not be possible without the tremendous efforts from Grand Rapid's schools, businesses and citizens commitment to sustainability.
The finalist were chosen based on Overarching Sustainability, Econominc Sustainability, Environmental Sustainability, Energy, Water, Green Buildings and Waste.
(For more information about the award, visit the Business Civic Leadership Center's Facebook, Twitter or Blog.)
The Grand Rapids Chamber of Commerce was pleased to nominate the City of Grand Rapids for the U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Most Sustainable Community Award. We recognize and appreciate the City's continued commitment to sustainability and this is another great recognition of public/private partnerships in our community!
Great Job Grand Rapids! Keep up the great work and stay tuned. The winner will be announced at the Business Civic Leadership Center’s National Corporate Community Investment Conference May 24, 2010.
Grand Rapids,
Friday, April 9, 2010
LEEDing the Way: Gilmore Unplugged
What special event involves soothing acoustic music, fine cuisine, and candle light?
Anniversary? Birthday? Maybe Valentines Day?
How about EARTH DAY!
In Celebration of Earth day, The Gilmore Collection will be reducing their Carbon footprint for an entire weekend by turning of the lights, playing live non-amplified music, and serving sustainable entrees made from locally grown organic ingredients.
"The Gilmore Collection has always made efforts to support and buy local. With Earth day around the corner we wanted to try something different to reduce our Carbon footprint," says Matt Dowdy, Creative Director at The Gilmore Collection.
Come dine in the dark at Gilmore Unplugged from April 22 - April 26 at the following Gilmore restaurants:
The B.O.B 20 Monroe Ave, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.356.2000
Mangiamo! 1033 Lake Drive, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.742.0600
The Kirby House 2 Washington, Grand Haven, MI - 616.846.8299
Blue Water Grill 5180 Northland Dr, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.363.5900
Ottawa Tavern 151 Ottawa, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.451.8000
Rose's 550 Lakeside Drive, East Grand Rapids, MI - 616.458.1122
Red Jet Cafe 1431 Plainfield Ave, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.719.5500
The Thornapple 445 Ada Drive, Ada, MI - 616.676.1233
Flat River Grill 201 East Main, Lowell, MI - 616.897.8523
See you there!
Anniversary? Birthday? Maybe Valentines Day?
How about EARTH DAY!
In Celebration of Earth day, The Gilmore Collection will be reducing their Carbon footprint for an entire weekend by turning of the lights, playing live non-amplified music, and serving sustainable entrees made from locally grown organic ingredients.
"The Gilmore Collection has always made efforts to support and buy local. With Earth day around the corner we wanted to try something different to reduce our Carbon footprint," says Matt Dowdy, Creative Director at The Gilmore Collection.
Come dine in the dark at Gilmore Unplugged from April 22 - April 26 at the following Gilmore restaurants:
The B.O.B 20 Monroe Ave, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.356.2000
Mangiamo! 1033 Lake Drive, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.742.0600
The Kirby House 2 Washington, Grand Haven, MI - 616.846.8299
Blue Water Grill 5180 Northland Dr, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.363.5900
Ottawa Tavern 151 Ottawa, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.451.8000
Rose's 550 Lakeside Drive, East Grand Rapids, MI - 616.458.1122
Red Jet Cafe 1431 Plainfield Ave, Grand Rapids, MI - 616.719.5500
The Thornapple 445 Ada Drive, Ada, MI - 616.676.1233
Flat River Grill 201 East Main, Lowell, MI - 616.897.8523
See you there!
Carbon Calculator,
Earth Day,
LEEDing The Way
Tuesday, April 6, 2010
Where We're At: GVSU Summit on Sustainability
When we think of Spring we usually think of rebirth, renewal and regrowth. The Animals come out of hibernation, Robins return to your backyard, trees bud and flowers bloom which makes it the perfect time to renew both you and your business with sustainable practices.
What a better way to learn about "being green" than to join me in attending the "Grand Valley State University Summit on Sustainability". The event will focus on sustainability and it's impact on Grand Rapids. The event will also feature several speakers from the area including; Mayor George Heartwell, Christina Keller from Cascade Engineering, Amanda Price, State House candidate and Bob Synk, County Commission incumbent.
Event: GVSU Summit on Sustainability
Date: Wendnesday, April 7
Location: GVSU Meijer Regency Room, 401 Fulton Street West
Time: 7:30 a.m. - 11:30 a.m.
Cost: Free!
To register click here
We'll see you there!
Where We're At
Thursday, March 25, 2010
Where We're At: WMEAC EcoAction Expo
In celebration of Earth Week 2010, our friends at the West Michigan Environmental Action Council (WMEAC) will be hosting an EcoAction Expo! Along with the expo there will be a benefit concert to follow with popular alternative band The Fiery Furnaces.
While you're there, stop by our Partnership for a Sustainable Community booth and say hi! We'll be there from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (Concert begins at 8 p.m.)
While you're there, stop by our Partnership for a Sustainable Community booth and say hi! We'll be there from 5:00-8:00 p.m. (Concert begins at 8 p.m.)
Event Details:
Event: EcoAction Expo and Benefit Concert
Date: Friday, April 16 2010
Location: Fountain Street Church, 24 Fountain St. NE., Grand Rapids
Location: Fountain Street Church, 24 Fountain St. NE., Grand Rapids
Time: Expo 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. with Fiery Furnaces Concert to Follow.
Tickets are $20 for adults and $15 for Senior Citizens and Students (tickets available at Schuler Books and at WMEAC)
Where We're At
Wednesday, March 24, 2010
LEEDing Launch!
Take a walk through downtown Grand Rapids and take notice of the enticing restaurants along Monroe Center, the majestic hospitals on the hill, or the rustic architecture that is sprinkled throughout the city. The infrastructure of Grand Rapids is unique and resourceful but did you also know that according to the US Green Building Council, Grand Rapids has the most LEED certified sq. footage per capita than any other city in the United States?
To be LEED certified means that your building has met the high standards of the US Green Building Council in "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design," but your building doesn't need to be LEED certified in order for your business to be sustainable.
In January 2010, the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce launched the Partnership for a Sustainable Community to help our members navigate their way through the world of sustainable practices. Members who join the partnership receive access to our Carbon Calculator which helps track and measure your business's carbon footprint. When you know how much waste is being emitted it is easier to reduce waste and COST. Oh yea and did we mention that this is a FREE benefit for our members?
This blog is dedicated to continuing the conversation around sustainabile business practices, highlighting members who are making positive changes and using sustainable methods and answering the questions to those in the process of becoming sustainable. This blog will also provide a meeting space for members to discuss best practices and challenges involving their business and sustainability.
For any questions, comments or concerns, please contact Abby Albers at the Grand Rapids Chamber.
Thank you for your support of the Chamber and with that, it's LEED launch time!
To be LEED certified means that your building has met the high standards of the US Green Building Council in "Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design," but your building doesn't need to be LEED certified in order for your business to be sustainable.
In January 2010, the Grand Rapids Area Chamber of Commerce launched the Partnership for a Sustainable Community to help our members navigate their way through the world of sustainable practices. Members who join the partnership receive access to our Carbon Calculator which helps track and measure your business's carbon footprint. When you know how much waste is being emitted it is easier to reduce waste and COST. Oh yea and did we mention that this is a FREE benefit for our members?
This blog is dedicated to continuing the conversation around sustainabile business practices, highlighting members who are making positive changes and using sustainable methods and answering the questions to those in the process of becoming sustainable. This blog will also provide a meeting space for members to discuss best practices and challenges involving their business and sustainability.
For any questions, comments or concerns, please contact Abby Albers at the Grand Rapids Chamber.
Thank you for your support of the Chamber and with that, it's LEED launch time!
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